About Us

Welcome to True Believer's
Praise & Worship Sanctuary Website

(Where we speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth)

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

The Church

The Beginning- True Believer’s Praise & Worship Sanctuary is in the heart of Bishop C.L. Penix, the founder and Pastor of the church. Bishop is a leader who diligently seeks wisdom and knowledge from God. On July 9, 2006 the first church service was held in Malvern, Arkansas in our first location on West Moline Street. As the membership grew, there was a need for a larger sanctuary. God opened the door for the church to move to the present location 200 West Second Street in Malvern, Arkansas. Under the direction from God, and the leadership of Bishop Penix; the members united in unity to transform the building, acquire 3 charter buses, create a fellowship center, while assisting many families in need.

The Work Continues- God gave Bishop a charge for True Believer’s; to be one church in two locations. In June of 2014; Bishop Penix under the direction from the Lord, with several faithful families moved to San Antonio, Texas.

Currently- True Believer’s is presently located at 3203 Nacogdoches, Suite 400 San Antonio, Texas. Many families have joined, and are actively working to help build the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The Facts- 3203 Nacogdoches Road will not be the final location for True Believer’s in San Antonio. God has given Bishop a vision to purchase our own church. Bishop Penix; like an eagle, who never surrenders to the size and strength of its prey, stays focused, pressing toward the future.

A Small Glimpse- Bishop shared with the congregation a small glimpse of the plan that God has for True Believer’s in both locations, including feeding the hungry, providing shelter for the homeless, childcare and mentoring for the youth, also training and job assistance for those in need.


True Believer’s Praise & Worship Sanctuary; One Church, Ordained by God, in Two Locations.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

1 Corinthians 2:9 King James Version (KJV)